企业目标:创世纪伟业 造百年江泉
Enterprise goal: to create a century to create a century
企业精神:干事创业 诚实守信 科学发展 造福社会
Enterprise spirit: doing business, honesty, trustworthiness, scientific development, and benefit the society.
企业使命:经济效益 社会效益 前人栽树 后人乘凉
Enterprise mission: economic benefit and social benefit one sows and another reaps
管理信念:创造一流的公司业绩 追求高尚的人生价值
Management belief: create first-class company performance and pursue noble life value.
经营理念:节能生产 和谐发展 成果共享 真诚永远
Business philosophy: energy conservation, production, harmonious development, achievement sharing and sincerity forever.
管理原则:大公无私 实事求是 一视同仁 奖罚分明
Management principles: seeking truth from facts equally be selfless
管理方针:规范化 军事化 现代化 科学化
Management policy: normalization, militarization, modernization and scientization.
人本管理:关心好 支持好 利用好 维护好 监督好
People oriented management: care, support, make good use of, maintain and supervise well.
服务铭:不求今日明拍手 但求明日暗点头
Service sign: don't clap your hands today, but ask for a nod tomorrow.